USA Today Bestselling Cozy Mystery Author

It’s Monday, so it’s “View From Here” time at That means I try to dig in to what’s going on in my writing life, at my writing desk, etc.

Well, a couple Mondays ago, a friend of mine posted this on his web page. Five Things Super Successful People Do Before 8am. It’s a Forbes article on the habits of highly successful people. (Not those five, though.) Since it’s been consistently proven that the extremely successful tend to have behaviors in common, it’s always worth looking at research about habits of successful people.

This one really caught me, though. As I was thinking of my days, and how I structure them, I started wondering if there was a better way to get myself motivated when I need to get up and out. Also, I read a book about habits last year, and I learned that the tiniest tweaks can sometimes make the absolute biggest difference.

So I decided to start an experiment of sorts. I’ve been doing the sprint challenge (which has been really awesome–I’ll report on that next week), to get to 2K a day by Christmas. So I thought maybe I would have some more success getting 500 words a day for seven days in a row if I could get some of my extraneous habits under control. Like when I go to sleep. When I exercise. How I organize my day.

I’m going to try taking just a couple of these things to heart and really pushing them in my professional workings.

1) I want to order my day.
2) I want to exercise at least a little every day.
3) I want to be up before 8am every day.

Supposedly, movement helps with cognitive functioning. Additionally, being organized helps to be more productive. And the most successful people in the world get up before 8am every day. So here we go. This is what I’m going to tackle.

Next Monday, I’ll talk about what I listen to in the car that helps me be more effective. What about you? What do you do to make yourself more effective in any part of your life?