USA Today Bestselling Cozy Mystery Author

Maybe the Coolest Thing Ever

We recently found a website called Gratisography, run by a photographer/designer named Ryan McGuire. He posts some really cool and quirky photographs that you can use for blogging/design without paying individual photo royalties. (He is also a designer himself, and I haven’t done any research into that side of his business, but his photography is SO cool and fun.) We decided to use his pictures this book release, for all of our release graphics. And because we didn’t have to pay him (although we did make a donation, because, frankly, we should), I wanted to make sure to share who he was and where we found these super cool pictures.

Watch our Pinterest page, Twitter feed, and Facebook page for the lead-up graphics. We’ve already posted the first one here.

And thanks to Ryan McGuire for taking awesome pictures and paying it forward. May you get great business. Goodwill, all around, today.